Saturday, April 4, 2009

A New Summer!!!!!

Hi there - apparently the Summer is nearly upon us. Millie and I can tell, because Big P & Mr M keep taking us down to the bar each day.... We have to sleep on the balcony while they bugger around with paint and plaster. Truly, Big P's hair is currently a fetching shade of pink ( the new wall colour - they say it's pale terracotta, but we all know differently). They seem inordinately proud of the new 'bar' area.... Don't know what the fuss is all about, a bit of metal, wood and lots of marble, and they think they've created the Sistine Chapel!!!!
Still, the main thing is, Molivos is looking great this year - plently of rain through the winter, so it's really green, lots of wild flowers. The sun's shining and, there's a discount on premium dog food in the agricultural shop in Kalloni - life can be beautiful.. Looking forward to seeing you all - will keep you posted - Molly Voss-Keane