Monday, September 8, 2008

Guido, Groupie & an Exhibitionist!

They've been full of it all week, the dads - Guido this, Guido that...... Let me explain - A few weeks ago Big P received an e-mail from a guy called Guido Staps - wanting to play his guitar and sing in my bar..... Initially Big P was unsure - the bar's quite small, we've never done this before, & we had no idea if he's any good.... Thankfully Guido was persistent and he referred us to his various video posts on Well, that was the decision made..... Look at the videos yourselves - he's very good!! The upshot is he played to a reasonably packed bar last Friday, and then again last night. Over 20 songs - really nice, talented guy, and well received by the great and the good of Molyvos, and assorted holidaymakers. Must also thank Simona the lovely girlfriend/Manager/groupie..........
Luckily last night was Vafios Ian's opening... He has an exhibition of paintings in the gallery down in the harbour. Dad's couldn't go as they were working but all reported that his work is wonderful, and quite unique. After the opening most visitors segued into the bar, so it was a very busy night (video footage will be available shortly on youtube if Big P can remember how to do it). Linda came for a while, but has a poorly tooth, bless her. Sylvia and Connie from Petra in attendance, the latter, as usual, surrounded by men (one of 'the boys' apparently is now her official personal fan operator - his wrist was quite limp by the end of the evening). Stuart (who built our actual wooden bar 5 years ago) and June were in, with Dave and the girls (a rare Sally sighting, included).... Charlie (the Family) and Annette also in attendance. The Lothario came later, with Arturo and Tomas and the ever-youthful Lindsey....... Jenifer and family came later, but thankfully she resisted a repeat of her pas de deux with Apostoli the Fridge man, from a few nights ago....... Never fear, though, as Nigel managed a quick partnered dance later in the evening..............
Musn't forget that on Friday Left of the Terrace, Elpida, Manuela and husband came for Guido, and loved him!!!!!
Must also mention that The Lothario last night confirmed his interest in the package recently arrived from Geneva!!!!
Bruno the Dog still hanging around the dads - they're soft touches - he's been given my food, and had a shower on my terrace - let's hope that his real owners realise what a lovely boy he is, and hang on to him..... Otherwise Timbo & Lol can ecpect a furry, brown, wet-nosed, slightly smelly delivery from us!!!!!!
Weather still incredible - 34 degs today, light breeze, and no sign of change......

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Few Drops of Rain!!!

Finally - a few drops of rain last night, and the wind has sucked the humidity from the air, finally..... Really, it's been the muggiest Summer ever - I had to have two haircuts instead of my customary one!!! The first day of September and it's warm, sunny, and fresh and wonderful...........
First things first, I understand from Mr M and Big P that there was some serious face eating occuring in the bar last night - Big Nik from the coastguard is clearly loving his lovely girlfriend (she who loves MacArthur's Park & U2). Marika and Maria were scandalized, bless 'em - they had to imbibe a couple of extra voddies and diet coke.......
The Lovely Sofia from downstairs came for her customary small beer - my dads think she'd be perfect for the Lothario - but currently he's hard to pin down - it seems there's a lovely lady from overseas coming to visit shortly - maybe for the Big Birthday on September 17th (mental note to dads - they must order that life-size cardboard cutout of Fergie asap)?!
Dad's had a nice night out with the Goddess, and Timbo and Lol last week..... well the company was grand, but the meal was maybe not the best...... what kind of a chicken has wings like that is what we want to know....? Nick the Knife and the lovely Maria joined them later on (it's true, she seems younger every year)........ Nick and The Goddess bonded over the remains of the meal, and a mutual respect for 'the good old days'....... Also present were chanteuse Ingrid, and he of the big organ, her husband Gerald - from Holland - obviously the 'organ' reference applies to his keyboard skills...... Truly lovely people.....
Our Lovely Janet's having a nice time with nephew Stephen and his beautiful lady, and so looking forward to an imminent arrival from Geneva...
I must just mention - great news - the puppy's gone!!!! Have to admit that whilst I'm obviously pleased that the little one's found a nice home in Denmark, I'm also happy that one of the main contenders for my crown as official 'cutest dog in Molivos' is now out of the picture!!
Nice to hear that lots of new local chaps coming into the bar these days - the family from the art shop in Tropicana Square - Left of the Terrace bought in a new friend from the town hall, with a shared love for the sixties, the stones, etc.... Of course Arturo still sits in the corner.......... soeone told me he's been inTurkey recently........................
Will write again soon with news of Lily's lump, Whitney's bird, and of course, Angie's coming soon................... oh, and there's live music in the bar Friday night x